Engaging & Empowering Women in STEM
The lack of women in STEM disciplines and occupations can have real-world implications for women and society. Even though girls at an early age do not consistently perform worse in math tests than young boys, on average, they are less likely to take more-advanced math and science courses in middle and high school. Indeed, according to UNESCO, women account for a minority of the world's researchers and STEM related careers; in 2013, only 28.4% of total persons employed in these fields were women. This major inequality in STEM doesn’t only impact women (females currently represents only 2 to 5% of engineering students), in addition, the loss in human capital wealth due to gender inequality is estimated at $160.2 trillion, globally. Thus, our aim is to promote women in STEM and tackle the reasons that prevent girls from an early age to follow a scientific path. Regarding the state-of-art of the research and papers covering this subject, we, NEEP, tent to launch projects aiming to put in place the proposed solutions. Moreover, we focus on advocating to the European parliament for passing laws in favour of closing the gender gap. This initiative has the support of several members of the European parliament including the Spanish MP Mrs Susana Perez and Mrs Paloma Gázquez Collado.
Project Supporters
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